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Your personality type is: ESTJ
Extraverts prefer to:
  • focus their attention outward
  • work on a variety of tasks
  • seek out and interact with many people
  • work at a rapid pace
  • talk about their ideas to think them through
Judgers prefer to:
  • make many decisions as part of their work
  • work in a predictable environment
  • complete their responsibilities before relaxing
  • maintain control over projects
Sensors prefer to:
  • focus on "what is" rather than "what could be"
  • work with real things rather than ideas
  • apply past experience to solving problems
  • receive specific and realistic directions
Thinkers prefer to:
  • analyze problems logically
  • weigh pros and cons, and make decisions objectively
  • be tough negotiators
  • be motivated by achievement
People like you are outgoing, responsible, and quite strong willed. You like to be around other people and are talkative, friendly, and confident. You like to be in charge of things, and are usually good at organizing events and groups of people. Since you are so concerned about fairness, and you have very clear opinions about right and wrong, you tend to be annoyed when people make exceptions to the rules or simply ignore them altogether. You are outspoken, honest, and direct. You're naturally quite organized and productive, make quick decisions, and like to finish one project before starting another.

You are also a realistic and down to earth person who prefers activities that are hands-on and have some practical use. While you probably have a good memory for facts and details, you can become bored or frustrated with conversations that are too theoretical, or with long discussions about things that may never happen. You prefer to stay busy and physically active and may be somewhat skeptical about trying new things or changing your routines you're comfortable with. Your many friends admire your strong work ethic and know you are a person of your word. In your desire to have things settled and decided you may sometimes act a bit too quickly. You like to know what others expect of you, and you strive to fulfill all of your commitments precisely and completely.
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